Integration - Inklusion

Seit 1998 werden Kinder mit erhöhtem Förderbedarf (Integrationskinder) an unserer Schule aufgenommen. Dies wird als wertvolle Bereicherung für alle - SchülerInnen, LehrerInnen  und Eltern - angesehen. Die Montessoripädagogik mit ihren offenen Lernformen, der altersadäquaten Lernumgebung, die Jahrgangsmischung und die begleitende Unterstützung eines Integrationslehrers bieten optimale Bedingungen für das Gelingen der Integration.

Es ist das erklärte Ziel der Schule eine (Lern-)Umgebung für alle Kinder zu gestalten. Es ist das Recht junger Menschen voneinander und miteinander in heterogenen Lerngruppen lernen zu dürfen. Vielfalt und Inklusion sind das Herzstück der Montessori-Pädagogik.

Declaration of Krakow

Declaration of Krakow   -  Montessori Education and Inclusion


Each human being constructs his own personality.

Child development is the outcome of an interaction between inner potentials and environmental phenomena. The natural, social and cultural conditions of the environment are different for each child. Taking into account that children are not equally gifted, it can be said that all human beings are unique. Therefore the pedagogical and didactic approach should be: to provide with an environment in which each child can find the proper means for, development, tools that match with his individual needs.

What can be said about children in general also goes for the specially gifted, the retarded and the physically and mentally disabled. They need special help, but so do all children and young people.  

Inclusion stands for the right of all young learners, from whatever ethnic, cultural or social origin, with whatever problems or deviations, to learn together and from each other in a school for all. Therefore education should be inclusive. Children should be learning in schools with heterogeneous learning groups adjusted to the various needs and talents of children; schools for the gifted and the non-gifted, for the abled and the disabled, in short inclusive schools. Inclusion means no longer seeing the learner as a problem but focusing on the education system.  

We endorse the UN-resolutions of the UN convention of 2006 concerning the rights of physically and mentally disabled children. All children should have access to a general education without discrimination, acceptable to parents and the local and national authorities in accordance with the latest scientific and social findings.  

All available means should be applied to improve the development and social integration of each individual child.  

To realize this, governments should change the education systems towards inclusive education. Each and every school should implement inclusive practices. Teachers should be trained for inclusive education by teacher-trainers who understand this educational model. Teacher-trainers should change their programs and methods, promoting and developing a curriculum for inclusive schools. This is all based on the conviction that, rather than just taking note of the theory, inclusive education requires a change of attitude  

Diversity and inclusion are at the very heart of Montessori education, strongly based as it is on providing for the different needs of individuals.


Krakow, October 2009